
Volendam, La Rose Djayasupena - Belanda


For KoKiers if the Dutch do not forget to take pictures with the jolly Dutch traditional dress in a village called Volendam in provincie Noord-Holland. If from Amsterdam by car approximately 15 minutes until, if you do not have a car to take the bus from Amsterdam central station to the Volendam. If far away from my house about two hours and a half long journey by car.

Volendam most residents are farmers and live nelayan.Yang this didesa around there are approximately 22,000 residents, may now have more than it.

Its people have Volendams dialect. Once populated mostly religious-katholiek Rooms. That's because most people get a call to become pastor's heart.

In addition to pictures taken at Volendam in the Netherlands wear traditional clothes, many also tokot-shops selling souvenirs. If KoKiers went into a souvenir shop cum photo studio in the front window of the shop there are several photographs of artists such as Indonesia, Rima Melati, Marisa and also Ikang Fauzie Krisbiantoro and more-known people who had their pictures taken fun there.






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