
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong's Busiest District


Causeway Bay, is one of them popular district in Hongkong. In here, many female labor work everyday. They usually come from other country in Asia, like Indonesian.
It located in south beach Hong Kong island. As either old district and busiest from Hong Kong, this place is a shopping paradise for local and foreign tourists. Besides that, shopping not only destination journey, many other interest places in Causeway Bay. Victoria Park is one of them.
Traveling to Hong Kong was incomplete if we not stop at Victoria Park. It is open green room in central Causeway Bay. With a width of about seven times the soccer field, Victoria Park neatly arranged according to function and use existing facilities. Except the park to sit down, there is also a swimming pool and various sports facilities are all near to shopping and beaches.
Hong Kong hotels is also one of the interesting places. Because this hotel as a means of lodging for tourists who visit. Hongkong tourism will increase if accompanied by an adequate hotels. This is one factor supporting the Hong Kong travel.





jovie said...

ini dia nih.....tiap minggu aku pasti disana cuma nongkrong di public central library or duduk di bangku depan victory numpang hotspot library..:D

Hario Pamungkas said...

elu jov.....
tongkronganMu to trnyta...
ok lah... (sip)
bungkus oleh2na!

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