1. Yogyakarta
The city was once the capital of Indonesia during the revolution. Also this town is the capital city of Yogyakarta Special Region, led by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Prince Sri Pakualam. The food is typical of this city gudeg. Yogyakarta is known as student city because almost 20% of the population is productive there are 137 students and universities. Yogyakarta is a city that characterized the dynamics of school and university students from various regions in Indonesia. College owned by the government is the State University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia Institute of the Arts and the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga.
Yogyakarta had become the center of the Mataram kingdom between 1575-1640. Until now the Palace (Palace) was still functioning in the real sense. In addition to the cultural heritage, Yogyakarta has beautiful natural panorama. Green rice field surrounding countryside with Mount Merapi appeared as a backdrop. Beaches unspoiled easily found in the south of Jogja. The people here live in peace and have a unique hospitality. So was the atmosphere of art in Yogyakarta. Malioboro, which is the artery of Yogyakarta, was flooded with handicrafts from all over. Street musicians were always ready to entertain visitors lesehan stalls. Not infrequently also found the hotels, from the lower classes until the star hotels, which classified certain of a comfortable hotel, should the city of Yogyakarta to be comfortable.

2. Bandung
Bandung City is the capital of West Java province. The city was anciently known as Paris van Java (in Dutch) or "Paris of Java". Since lies in the highlands, Bandung was known as a place cool weather. This makes Bandung as one tourism destination. While the existence of public universities and many private universities in Bandung make this city known as one of the students in the Indonesian city.

3. Semarang
The city of Semarang is the capital city of Central Java Province, Indonesia. The town is located about 466 km east of Jakarta, or 312 km west of Surabaya. Semarang is bordered by Java Sea to the north, east Demak district, Semarang regency in the south, and the District of Kendal in the west.

4. Solo
Solo City is a city in Central Java province, Indonesia. In Indonesia, Solo is ranked the tenth largest city (after the Yogyakarta). Solo has a motto which is an acronym beam of Clean, Healthy, Neat, and Beautiful. For the purposes of tourism marketing, tourism slogan Solo Solo took the Spirit of Java that is expected to build the image of the city of Solo as a center of Javanese culture.

5. Bogor
Bogor City is a city in West Java province, Indonesia.Bogor city known as the rain, because it has a very rainfall tinggi. In Dutch colonial era, Bogor is known as Buitenzorg (pronounced: boit'n-zôrkh ", bœit' - ) which means "no worries" or "peaceful". Today a city of Bogor and Bogor commemorated every year on June 3, because the date is June 3, 1482 coronation of King Siliwangi day as the king of the Pajajaran. Bogor (meaning "palm") has long known to be centers of education and the national agricultural research. It was here that the various institutions and halls of agricultural and biological research stood since the 19th century. Institut Pertanian Bogor, established since the early 20th century.
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