2. Bridge Donghai (32.500 M), long bridge in Asia too and located in Shanghai China.

3. King Fahd Causeway (26000 M), that connects between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

4. Chesapeake Bay Bridge (24.140 M), Chesepake across the bay in Maryland United States.

5. Vasco da Gama bridge (17.200 M), longers bridge in mainland Europe across the rivers in the city of Lisbon Purtugal.

6. Penang Bridge (13.500 M), link between Penang Island and mainland Malaysia.

7. Rio Bridge – Niteroi (13.290 M), Connecting the city of Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi in Brazil.

8. Union Bridge (12.900 M), link between Prince Edward Island with New Brunswick in the plains of Canada.

9. Bridge Hayowrd - San Mateo (11.265 M), across the gulf of California, San Franscisco America.

10. Seven-mile bridge (10.887 M), connect between the Gulf of Mexico in Florida with the mainland United States.

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